

 Chinese | ZHIJIANG COLLEGE OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Home Page About Zhijiang Employment Schools & Departments School of Business School of Information Technology School of Humanities School of Mechanical Engineering School of Foreign Languages School of Architecture School of Design School of Science School of China Travel (Tourism) (SCT) Department of P.E Education &Military Academic & Research Discipline Development Scientific Research Centers and Institutes Faculty International Overseas Students Campus Life Global Partnership Life ZJC Campuses Services POSITION: Home Page -- ART & CULTURE -- Content School of Information Engineering organizes students to go to Australia for immersion learning activities in summer vacation Author: Date:2019-09-17 Hits: In order to improve students' ideal and ambition level and encourage more students to continue their further studies after graduation, the Information Engineering Institute selected 10 freshmen to go to the University of Western Australia (UWA) in the summer and launched a 20-day summer immersion learning activity in Australia.   During the study period, professors and assistants of the University of Western Australia started from the coastal culture of Western Australia, listed the characteristics of Australia and drew mind maps through the comparison between Australia and China, excavated students' critical thinking, carried out Robotics Workshop around Robogals and Robogals Society Members, and students successfully built robotic cars; We set up Electronic Breadboard Workshop with the theme of Electrical & Electronic Engineers of WA was set up for electronic automation students point-to-point and complete the circuit experiment together with the sophomores of UWA. During this period, the students participated in UWA Lecture Audit and had an ideological and cultural collision. Professor refined the outline of the questions raised earlier and found out the shortcomings then improved them, we spent a whole day conducting questionnaires so that students could go into universities and use English to talk actively, learn Australian etiquette and make friends with elites from all over the world.   In addition to their studies, teachers and students also visited Australian National University and Sydney University, and conducted cultural exchanges. They listened to the development history and characteristics of the school, visited libraries and football fields, exchanged with students and took pictures.   The University of Western Australia (UWA) was founded in 1911 and first enrolled in 1913. It is a world-renowned research university. The University of Western Australia is one of the six Australian sandstone universities, and is a core member of the Eight Australian Universities Alliance, the World University Alliance and the Pleiades University Alliance. The University of Western Australia is one of the most historic, representative and powerful research universities in Australia.   College of Information Engineering has been devoted to the exploration and practice of internationalization of students. This summer immersion exchange project with the University of Western Australia is the first one to lead students to dialogue with world famous universities, experience English classroom and Western design concepts, and guide students to prepare for further study after graduation from the beginning of their freshman year.   Address:958 Yuezhou Avenue,Keqiao District,Shaoxing City,Zhejiang Province, China          Copyright 2012 Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology

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